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Ash Tennis Club

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The history of Ash Tennis Club dates back to 1970.


A group of tennis players from the met in a local pub and decided that the village should have its own courts and a club should be formed.


They approached the local parish council for use of the land in Coronation Gardens.


After 4 years of meetings and discussions Ash Parish Council created a lease for a tennis club and, using volunteer labour a clubhouse was built.


The club house, and initially one court adjacent to it, was the start of a thriving Ash Tennis Club.  We continue to be run by our Members for our Members.


There are three trustees of the club who remain full playing members: Alex Bliss, Cliff Grace and Tony Myers.


Three executive officers are responsible for the day to day running of the club and comprise of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.


Each November an AGM is held in which reports are presented and committee members are appointed.

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